Going back to Weinberg's article "The Video Outside the Box" I wanted to take a look at media bias. Weinberg says one of the myths is "Commercial media unquestionably provides the highest quality journalism possible..." It's very hard to find a news station that can be seen has unbiased and is even more difficult to find a news station that does not attempt to advertise to the viewer (impossible probably). Tying in with this myth was Weinberg's next myth stating "News media in the United States today has a left-wing bias." I find today that conservative news programs are most prevalent in on network and cable television than liberal news media. When talking about conservative media of course I have to start with Fox news. Let's start with their taglines: "Fair and Balanced", "We report. You decided." and "The most powerful name in the news". Now if any of these taglines were remotely true it would be a different story but Fox news has made a name for itself with false reporting. Just recently I had a friend post a video on his blog of a news report that Fox did about an elementary school teaching children to sing songs of praise for Obama. The news story ended up being untrue, but Fox never issued an apology statement for the false information. I suppose this argument could go both ways and someone could agree their are liberal media stations that do the same, but I find it interesting that many people still believe that media is most liberal based.
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