While reading Weinberg's article "Video Outside of the Box" a few things struck me. Already being very aware the five big companies and what the own didn't surprise me (especially the Walt Disney Company, because I am a Disney cast member :) ) I was taken back by some of the media myths later in the article. Starting with the first myth "media does not matter that much-- they merely reflect reality rather than shape it"being the most shocking. It's hard to realize that today people still do not realize how media shapes society and our culture. Just recently I was writing a a sociology paper on how media shapes and determines society's view on gender roles. For example, the website theKnot.com allows viewers to watch videos of “real weddings” to inspire future couples. In these videos there is no emphasize on the couple; what is solely important is what the bride will look on her big day (no mention of the groom, of course) and how having the perfect wedding will make their marriage perfect as well. It's often overlooked how even media such as websites can be used to shape our views on things such as gender. For example let's take a look at the cover of one the Knot's magazines. "10 Stunning Real Weddings", "the most glamorous cakes ever", and "stylish reception ideas" the cover reads. No mention of anything to do with the couple or the groom. Even in the picture we can see hegemony played out. The bride is standing front and center of the photography smiling, skinny, and beautiful as the [supposed] groom is in the foreground looking at her.

I think if more people were aware of media shaping us not just showing reality, we as a society would be better equip for change.
The German magazine Brigitte just announced that they are banning professional models and will only photograph images of "real"women.
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