Saturday, December 5, 2009

Weinberg #4- It's a Social Media Revolution

In Weinberg #4, Tom discusses how the society has gone from a "television society" to a "YouTube Area". It was interesting to learn how YouTube started, I did not know it grew faster than any other content site on the Internet, nor did I know that it's daily views (a billion) far exceed the total usage of the Internet in 2000. This article has been my favorite so far in the Weinberg "Video Out of the Box" series, because I'm highly interested in social media, especially in the film and television industry. As Tom talks about new media is making it possible for videos to be watched, uploaded, and discussed 24/7. The media world never stops.
When I was researching for my final project on social media I found the video "Social Media Revolution", which was made by Erik Qualman the author of the book Socialnomics. The video services to prove that social media is not just a fad and is here to stay. The video gives some hard facts, just as Weinberg does in the reading about online video viewing, as well as YouTube. In an interview about why he made the video:

"That was designed to get people thinking about social media. The term Socialnomics is introdcued, but I primarily wanted to give a tool to every marketer and every individual who has been struggling with all the hype about social media. Is it a fad or is it the next revolution? The video is designed to show it's not a fad and here are some hardcore statistics that show that it's actually the biggest thing since the industrial revolution."

I think this fits in well with the McLuhan quote that Weinberg cited "The new electronic interdependence recreates the world in the image of a global village". This YouTube era as Weinberg calls it is going to create a whole new scene of community with society allowing people to connect globally in completely new ways than before. Also allowing news to spread much faster than ever before.

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